Our Happy Clients!

“I have undergone coaching sessions with Karmel for improved leadership skills. At some point in time, we get restricted with our limiting beliefs and stop growing after a point. Our perspectives and outlook become redundant and we become rigid to change. This creates a conflict within us which impacts our external environment as well. To be able to be a good leader, I had to move from being a one man army to being a group player, I had to change from being competitive to collaborative. Karmel helped me mitigate these challenges and in the process widened my horizons of limited beliefs and restrictive thought patterns. Coaching truly helps. It really helps you get better in your game and who better than Karmel, as she understands her clients potential and makes them aware of their capabilities!”


Revenue Head -CNBC

As one goes to the top, growth gets stagnated and progress becomes slow. This is what I believed and operated with at a professional level. My mind-set underwent a dramatic shift after my few interactions with Ms. Nair. She made me aware of how one can continue to evolve constantly by adapting to the dynamics of life and enhance one’s own skills. Improvising is a constant process and somewhere I had got stagnated at my level. But within a few coaching sessions, I began to work in a structured manner, accomplishing tasks and achieving recognition. Coaching helped me become a better leader and thereby I landed myself a promotion. Karmel questions you very deeply which elicits response from your inner subconscious space. During certain exercises I began to emerge with ideas, thoughts and emotions which could change my life for good or completely ruin my career if I continued to hold on to them. With this knowledge I chose to do away with my shortcomings or change them and use my strengths to chalk out a path of success. Coaching really makes you think and this has been my greatest takeaway from Karmel’s Sessions.”


Vice President (Head Learning and Development)- Angel Broking

“I came across Karmel Nair through her books initially. But after few interactions with her, we began professional coaching sessions. My greatest strength has been innovation and creation abilities. I am constantly evolving in terms of ideas and innovations. However after having reached this phase of heading a large system, I gave up innovating and ideating. I was engrossed in leadership role which did give me lot of pleasure and exposure, but somewhere deep down I knew innovating was my thing and I had to make time for it. I was battling between two opposites- my innovation skills vs time management abilities. I was weak at both these levels since work took away a large part of me. But after being coached by karmel on Innovation and Time management, I have come to understand that one can quantify any given action, emotion or problem. This is exactly what Karmel did with me- she quantified my solutions to the problems so effectively that it became very simple to achieve. Presently besides spearheading the role that I am assigned, I am also making time to innovate and ideate. This gives me lot of joy and only makes work more enjoyable. Karmel coached me at a very deep level which not only impacted my professional life but has also had a profound effect on my relationship with self. I believe I have grown ten notches up!”


CEO –Taurus Knight

Coaching happened to me at a time when I was struggling in job transition from Junior to managerial level. My biggest concern being decision making abilities. As a finance manager, decisions have to be made promptly and with greater power came bigger responsibilities. I am responsible for a team and to be able to lead well, decisions had to be made correctly. My lack of confidence and assertiveness, somewhere became an impediment in my progress. I then met Karmel, who skilfully helped me understand my strengths and overcome my weaknesses. She directed me beautifully into becoming a strong, assertive and confident leader who is now capable of making swift, difficult, timely and large decisions. Coaching brought about a 360 degree shift in my approach towards myself. I think I improved at all levels because of Karmel’s timely coaching interventions.”


Finance Manager (CA)- Wipro

“Being coached under Karmel has helped me get more clarity of thought and helped me structure my actions. Very often we are unable to effectively put our thoughts into action due to lack of clarity and poor execution skills. Karmel helped me break down my goals into short term and long term goals and also helped me create an action plan to help me achieve them. I would recommend coaching to everyone and most definitely with Karmel at least once, to see the difference she can make to your thoughts and actions.”

Mohit Sahni

Founder Quest Fitness

When you are in your toughest phase , all we need is a person to listen to your worries not being judged or make you feel helpless and hopeless…
Fortunately I had that person in my life as my Lifecoach who always motivated , encouraged and developed a positive outlook towards my Life.
I’m deeply thankful to have a wonderful person like you as my coach….

As we know for a Healthy body we need a Trainer…
So for a Healthy mind we need a Lifecoach …
(like Karmel❤

Roshini Nair

I met Karmel Nair when I had absolutely no self confidence.. Confidence in my body.. Post pregnancy, weight loss had become a huge hurdle in my head. More than weight loss, I needed a change in my perspective. I wanted someone who could help me see the real me behind what I looked like from outside. Karmel helped me do just that. She transformed my outlook towards myself, helped me gain back the lost confidence and more importantly up my self esteem. Today I love myself and respect what I truly am and without her, this achievement would have been a distant thought

Neha Natrajan

B.D. Manager - Viacom.

This Lifecoach – Karmel is just amazing. If you reach out to her, you will know how good she is. Your will overcome your problems and you will be on your happy path very soon.

Santhaselvan B

Everyone is competing to make a place for themselves in the corporate world and this has its own pros and cons. You tend to loose the balance between work and personal life. It sometimes really takes a toll on you and you feel frustrated and think about giving up your professional life. I met Karmel and she has been an instrument in coaching and guiding me in striking a balance between the two. In the course of the sessions with Karmel I have learnt that you can achieve success in both and excel.
So if you are facing a similar situation do reach out to her for a fulfilling experience! A wonderful and charismatic person she is! 

Sharda Ramanathan

Chartered Accountant - Deloitte

All of us spend half of our lifetime and most critical part of our day at work. With high level of competition and job insecurity and ambition that one has, job sress becomes integral part.

Irrespective of your years of experience in corporate life we all do come to one stage where you just dont understand where to go, what to do, what is right, whom to approach as corporate politics can get on to you sometimes and your CAREER bother you that’s when I found my comfort with my life coach KARMEL.

I took 7- 8 sessions …she was absolutely amazing and her level of clarity and confidence amazed me. She was patient, understood the issue so well and objectively helped me analyse and come up solution on my own which gave me strength to move forward in life positively.. Each session covered various aspects of career growth I was looking for.

Sometimes all you need is a different perspective of a well read, experienced, articulate, confident and kind individual and for me it was KARMEL.

Thanks to her for guiding me in my career and helping me get successful in what I do today. I strongly recommend this to all corporates. WORTH IT!!

Subhikshi D'Souza

Associate Vice President - Citi Bank

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